The Ambassador
Ambassador of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the Republic of Lithuania Dr. Christoph Count Calice was born in Vienna and studied at the University of Vienna (Economics) and the University of Innsbruck (Law).
Activities in the Sovereign Order of Malta
Dr. Christoph Count Calice was admitted to the Grandpriory of Austria of the Sovereign Order of Malta in 2004 and Obedience – in 2014.
2021- present Dr. Christoph Count Calice is Vice Commander of MHDA (Malteser Hospitaldienst Austria)
Family background
Married 1995 to Ludmila Princess of Liechtenstein.
3 Children (Marie 1995, Pius 1997, Caspar 2000)
Professional Background:
2009 – present: Plantical GmbH, Managing Partner
1998 – 2009: RAL GmbH Managing Partner